Quantifying the impact of new high-resolution ocean observations- such as autonomous gliders, coastal radar, or satellite imagery- is critical for the efficient deployment of observing infrastructure.
In this project, well quantify how particular observing platforms contribute to ocean state estimates, allowing us to determine the most effective locations and parameters to observe,e.g.targeting extremely expensive ship-based sampling vs agile autonomous glider measurements to areas where they will add most value.
Data Assimilation (DA) is a powerful tool used to combine observations with a numerical model to produce a best estimate of the ocean state. We will perform a series of DA experiments to test the sensitivity of the estimated ocean state to various observation platforms. The results of this project will assist in guiding the types and location of observations that will best improve the model forecasts at the least cost. This project will be co-supervised by Dr Colette Kerry (UNSW), Prof. Brian Powell (U. Hawaii), Prof. Moninya Roughan (UNSW), and Dr Shane Keating (UNSW).