
Training notes

This module draws on the findings from the previous exercises and tools completed to examine what model of meaningful participation is most likely to succeed in a particular site.


The module aims to assist refugee led organisations, their partners and other stakeholders to make realistic assessments of what can be achieved at a given time, in a particular site, to develop effective and achievable strategic plans which support meaningful participation, address SGBV, and identify issues which need further advocacy work.

Suggested timing for the module

One full day, with ongoing work depending on the decisions made.

Strategic planning – A useful definition

Strategic planning is a process in which key stakeholders define their vision for the future and identify their goals and objectives. The process includes establishing the sequence in which those goals should be realised so the organisation or group of partners can reach its stated vision.

PowerPoint slides

This PowerPoint presentation will take the group through the rationale for the module, and a plan for moving forward and applying the tools introduced in this training kit.

Module 14 Presentation: PowerPoint Version Module 14 Presentation: PDF Version


Tools and exercises

This template for strategic planning can to be used to identify local conditions and contexts, to help decide which model of participation is most likely to succeed at this time and in this site, and what can be done to move things forward.

Below you will find a case study to work on as an exercise if you do not have a real life example to work with.

The aim is to bring together the data from these areas we have covered in the training modules and examine how this might assist us in effective program planning for Refugee-led Organisations.

A situational analysis for program planning

Case study for strategic planning

How to write a strategic plan

Background reading

Strategic Planning

Please read these notes before running this training module. They provide information that informs the PowerPoint slides and might help you answer questions from participants.

They can also be given as handouts.

Reading Module 14: PDF Version