Dr Thu Ngo
Ph.D, Education Linguistics (University of New England, Australia)
Topic: Deployment of evaluative language in English and Vietnamese spoken discourse
M.Ed, TESOL (University of Sydney, Australia)
Topic: Text-based and text-free English pronunciation by Vietnamese EFL students: an intelligibility approach.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
ACU Teaching Development Grant (2019-2020)
Topic: Visualising multimodal literacy teaching pedagogy in real school contexts
Explorance Faculty Research Grant (2021)
Topic: Enhancing learner satisfaction with challenging pedagogical content through student-feedback-based course redesign.
- ACU, Teaching Citation Award (2021)
- ACU, Faculty of Education and Arts, Teaching Excellence Award (2020)Ìý
Ngo, T., & Unsworth, L. (forthcoming). Digital Multimodal Adaptations of Children’s Literature: Semiotic Analyses and Classroom Applications: Routledge.
My Teaching
Primary Literacy education
TESOL education