Dr Sally Burt
Sally Burt received her PhD from the Australian National University in 2011. She is a specialist in US diplomatic history and foreign policy and the process of US foreign policy development both historically and in the current international environment, particularly in the area of Cybersecurity and Information Warfare. She is particularly interested in US relations with China and other parts of the Asia Pacific.
Sally has published in the area of regional tensions and their historical development. She has been an editor and author or several books, journal articles reports, has presented internationally to conferences and summits. Sally has been a Visiting Fellow at the University of Florida and at West Point Military Academy in New York.
Sally is currently working on her next major research project that explores information warfare in its historical and modern contexts and its development within cyber strategy.
- Publications
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- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
My Teaching
Introduction to Cyber Security
Cyber Policy in China
Australian Cyber Diplomacy
Australia and Cyber War