
Dr Kerrie Davies

Dr Kerrie Davies

Senior Lecturer

D.ARTS (Literary Journalism)

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of the Arts and Media


Program Director, Masters of Journalism and Communication and PR & Advertising 2021-2024
Convenor and creator of immersive media subjects (UG and PG) and first year journalism incorporating audio and blogging.

Research: new forms of life writing and creative non fiction, and their intersection with new media such as social and virtual reality.Ìý

Creative and Scholarly Research Practice:
Speculative biography to be published by Allen and Unwin in 2025Ìý and I am the author of experimental hybrid auto / biographyÌýA Wife's Heart (2017), reviewed nationally as 'groundbreaking' .My research has been published in peer reviewed journals such asÌý Life Writing,ÌýLiterary Journalism Studies, the Australian Journalism Review, and more widely inÌýthe Conversation, as well as forthcomingÌý chapters in international publications.
My research has attracted national media impact, andÌýI have appearedÌýat the Sydney Writers' Festival; the Brisbane Writers Festival and the National Folk Festival.
I currently supervise thesis projects in literary journalism / creative non fiction and life writing (biography, memoir)..
My teaching and research is underpinned by over a decade's professional practice in national media publications including the Weekend Australian and Vogue Australia.Ìý




311C Robert Webster
  • Books | 2017
    Davies K, 2017, A Wife's Heart, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane
  • Book Chapters | 2022
    Davies K; McDonald W, 2022, 'Catherine Hay Thomson: female vagabond or stunt reporter', in Reynolds B; Bak J (ed.), Routledge Companion to World Literary Journalism., Routledge, pp. 289 - 300,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Davies KM; McDonald W, 2022, 'Female "vagabond" or stunt reporter? The undercover literary journalism of australian colonial journalist catherine hay thomson', in The Routledge Companion to World Literary Journalism, pp. 289 - 299,
  • Journal articles | 2023
    Davies KM, 2023, 'Aunt Becky goes rogue: de-celebrification and de-mothering in the college cheating scandal, Operation Varsity Blues', Celebrity Studies, 14, pp. 280 - 292,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Davies KM, 2022, 'Crowd Coaxing and Citizen Storytelling in Archives of Crisis', Life Writing, 20,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Davies K, 2020, 'Miles Franklin Undercover: Domestic Service and Gonzo Advocacy in Literary Journalism', Literary Journalism Studies, 12, pp. 62 - 83,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Davies K, 2019, 'Hearing Maud', Southerly: a review of Australian literature, 79, pp. 210 - 213,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Davies K, 2019, 'The flâneur as a motif of timelessness in auto / biography', TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Programs, 23,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Davies K, 2018, ''An eye in the eye of the hurricane': Fire and fury, immersion and ethics in political literary journalism', Ethical Space: the international journal of communication ethics, 15, pp. 86 - 92,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Davies K, 2018, 'Hearing Bertha Lawson', Meanjin, 77, pp. 181 - 187
    Journal articles | 2017
    Davies K, 2017, 'Book Review Stan Grant Talking to My Country', Ethical Space: the international journal of communication ethics, 14, pp. 47 - 47
    Journal articles | 2017
    Davies K, 2017, 'Divorce - Have Attitudes Really Changed?', Law Society of NSW Journal, 36, pp. 41 - 44
    Journal articles | 2016
    Davies K, 2016, 'Revisiting Bertha Lawson, Henry Lawson's Wife', Davies Revisiting Bertha Lawson Writing the Ghost Train: Refereed conference papers of the 20th Annual AAWP Conference, 2015, pp. 1 - 11,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Davies K; MCDONALD W, 2015, 'Creating History: Literary Journalism and Ned Kelly's Last Stand', Australian Journalism Review, 37, pp. 33 - 49
    Journal articles | 2015
    McDonald W; Davies K, 2015, 'Creating history: Literary journalism and Ned Kelly’s last stand', Australian Journalism Review, 37, pp. 33 - 50
  • Creative Written Works | 2023
    Davies K, 2023, "The problem is that my success seems to get in his way": The fraught terrain of literary marriages, The Conversation,
    Other | 2021
    Davies K; Nelson C, 2021, 'What makes a good hoax?' A political point, for starters.', The Conversation, Melbourne / online,
    Other | 2021
    Davies K, 2021, Foiled Expectations [Review] Great Expectations: Emigrant Governesses in Colonial Australia, Inside Story,
    Other | 2021
    Davies K, 2021, [Review] Is David Williamson a reformed 'Bad Art Friend'?, The Conversation, Melbourne,
    Other | 2020
    Davies K; McDonald W, 2020, Friday Essay: how a 'gonzo' press gang forged a Ned Kelly legend, theconversation.com.au,
    Other | 2020
    Davies K; McDonald W, 2020, The Conversation Hidden women of history: Catherine Hay Thomson, the undercover journalist who went inside asylums, The Conversation, online,
    Other | 2020
    Davies K, 2020, Review: Kate Grenville's A Room Made of Leaves fills the silence of the archives, The Conversation, Melbourne, ,
    Creative Written Works | 2017
    Davies K, 2017, Behind the Myth, Review, The Australian,
    Creative Written Works | 2017
    Davies K, 2017, Separation and Single Parenting: The Tribulations of Henry Lawson's wife, The Conversation,
    Other | 2015
    McDonald W (ed.), 2015, Colonial Australian Literary Journalism, Australia,




Davies, K. 2017. A Wife's Heart.ÌýBrisbane: University of Queensland Press.

Book Chapters

Davies, K & McDonald, M. 2022.ÌýÌý. J.Bak & B.Reynolds (Eds). The. Routledge Companion to World Literary Journalism. Routledge.

Journal ArticlesÌý

Davies, K.. 2022.ÌýÌý, Life Writing. online first.

Davies, K. 2021Ìý. Celebrity Studies. online first.

Davies, K. 2019.Ìý. Text. online first.

Creative works

Davies, K. 2023.Ìý. 23 June.ÌýThe Conversation.

Davies, K. 2020.Ìý Ìý. 17 January.ÌýÌýThe Conversation.Ìý


My Research Supervision

PhD Creative Practice (Life writing)
Cathy Perkins:Ìý Three Scarlet Women: The Lives of Betty Roland, Catherine Duncan and Oriel Gray.

My Teaching

I currently teachÌý Multiplatform Journalism, News Fundamentals and Masters Online Publication Practice.

I'm available to supervise across literary journalism / creative non fiction,Ìý life writing such as memoir and biography, and other forms of creative writing.