Professor Jennie Hudson
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours I), Macquarie University (April 1995)
- Doctor of Philosophy / Master of Clinical Psychology, Macquarie University (April 2001), Vice-Chancellor’s Commendation
As Director of Research at the Black Dog Institute, I have made distinguished contributions to the scientific understanding and clinical treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. I have delivered sustained and influential insights into the complex aetiology of anxiety, as well as developed and validated innovative, accessible interventions. I am recognised as a world leader for my work on parent-child interactions and the development and treatment of anxiety.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- 2022 Oration Award, Society for Mental Health Research
- 2021 AMP Tomorrow Maker, AMP Foundation
- 2020 Higher Education Hot List, The Educator
- 2019 Macquarie University, Supervisor of the Year.
- 2018 Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences of Australia
- 2017 Fellow, Association of Psychological Science
- 2016 Mental Health Matters, Mental Health Association NSW, Excellence in Service Award, Centre for Emotional Health
- 2015 Macquarie University Research Excellence Awards - Healthy people
- 2015 Macquarie University Excellence in Higher Degree Supervision Award (Highly Commended)
- 2013 Highly Commended Macquarie University Research Awards: Jim Piper Research Leadership Award
- 2011 Macquarie University Research Awards: Excellence in Research: Social Science, Business, and Humanities
- 2010 Finalist Scopus Young Researcher of the Year (Humanities and Social Sciences).
- 2008 Division of Linguistics and Psychology, Excellence in Research (Highest grant funding in 2008)
- 2008 Division of Linguistics and Psychology, Excellence in Research Supervision (Highest number of doctoral completions in 2008)
- 2007 Mental Health Matters Award, Mental Health Association NSW (Cool Teens CD-Rom. Team award)
- 2007 Macquarie University Innovation Awards, Highly Commended (Cool Teens CD-Rom. Team award)
- 2006 Australian Psychological Society Early Career Research Award
- 2006 Macquarie University Innovation Awards, Highly Commended (Cool Teens CD-Rom. Team award)
- 2006 Paul Bourke Early Career Award, Australian Academy of Social Science
- 2004 NSW Young Tall Poppy Award, Institute of Political Sciences.
- 2003 Tracy Goodall Early Career award, Australian Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy
- 2002 Early Career Development Award, Anxiety Disorders Association of America
- 2001 Vice Chancellors Commendation
- 1997-1999 Australia Postgraduate Award
My current projects can be viewed via Black Dog Institute's website, below.
Summary of publications impact: 10 published manuals; 1 edited book; 21 book chapters; 163 peer-reviewed articles. Citations = 12,178 (Google Scholar) H-index = 57. In the last 5 years, her 63 peer-reviewed papers (27 as first/senior author) have been cited 556 times (Scopus), with 62% published in the top 10% of journals by CiteScore. Citations for past 5 years = 6143.
My Research Supervision
- Lizel Bertie, Predictors of non-remission in treatment of anxiety disorders in children and youth, Macquarie University, PhD
- Maddison O’Gradey Lee, Assessment of life interference from anxiety and depression in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth