Mr Fredrick Zmudzki
BEc, MEc, GradCertPharmEc
Fredrick Zmudzki, BEc (Macq.), MEc (Macq.), GradCertPharmEc (Monash) is a senior health economist and policy analyst with over 20 years’ experience across a wide range of projects in Australia, Asia and Europe covering industry, academic research and government.
Fred’s experience is particularly focused on health economic modelling and evaluation, with an emphasis on social policy and program evaluation.
Fred’s research interests include the integration of health economic methods across sectors and programs to examine healthcare and social program interventions and the effectiveness of a range of outcomes, for individuals, governments, and wider social impact. This incorporates inter-related sectors including physical and mental health, aged care, housing, disability, criminal justice and their increasingly wide-ranging support services.
Fred’s recent research is focusing on related development and application of new data management technologies including advancing data linkage and analytics through artificial intelligence methods of machine learning. These data science techniques provide potential social benefits through enhanced accuracy of predictive analytics supporting more accurate program targeting and earlier identification and intervention points, with potential to significantly contribute to better individual and program outcomes, increased program effectiveness, and related cost effectiveness.
Related interests include the interrelationships between physical and mental healthcare, ageing and disability and quality of life.
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International Health Economics Association