
The offers a wide range of thesis-driven honours projects in many climate-related research areas. Please check directly with your potential supervisor about their availability for developing a project with you, or directly with the honour's coordinator.

Is climate change making Australia’s rainfall more variable?

This project aims to improve our understanding of rainfall variability changes, which is crucial for projecting hydrological extremes including floods and drought with more confidence.

Impact of climate change on Southern Hemispheric westerlies

Assess the impact of changes in oceanic circulation on the position and strength of Southern Hemispheric westerlies. Supervisor: A/Prof. Laurie Menviel

Looking below marine heatwaves

In this project we will use a combination of subsurface observations, ocean reanalysis and ocean model experiments to understand the subsurface evolution of marine heatwaves. Supervisor: A/Prof. Alex Sen Gupta

Remote influences on seasonal weather in Australia

This project will use simplified yet fully nonlinear atmospheric model experiments to learn more about the individual contributions of some of these influences. Supervisor: Martin Jucker

Understanding the impact of Indo-Pacific sea surface temperature trends

This study aims at understanding whether the recent Pacific cooling has influenced other ocean basins and impacted climate in the tropics and remote regions. Supervisor: Andrea Taschetto

Global ocean oxygen loss in warm(er) climates

The aim of this project is to learn from past warm greenhouse climates to improve our climate modelling capacity, in order to reliably predict and explain the loss of oxygen in our oceans.

Predicting lethal humidity and associated excess mortality

This project aims to develop and use machine learning models to translate climate projections into temperature and heat conditions that people will experience in large cities. Supervisors: Katrin Meissner, Sanaa Hobeichi, Negin Nazarian

Understanding tropical cyclone links with Indian Ocean variability

This project aims to understand whether and how Indian Ocean sea surface temperature affects the characteristics of tropical cyclones near Australia. Supervisor: Andrea Taschetto