
Student name  

Project title  

Primary supervisor

Kendall Chidwick

Maximising the use of real-world data to answer policy relevant questions on prescription opioid use and harms.

Scientia Professor Louisa Degenhardt

Leigh Coney

What are harms associated with cryptomarket use?

Associate Professor Amy Peacock


Re-Thinking Harm Reduction Strategies in Sydney's Night Time Economy: A Cross-National Comparative Analysis

Professor Michael Farrell


Analysis of Global Changes in Opioid Medicine Production and Availability: Country, Regional and International Trends


Policies and practices of patron eviction in Sydney's key nightlife precincts in relation to negotiations and experiences of pleasure and harm while using alcohol and other drugs

Dr Rachel Sutherland

Madeline News

Closing the Gap? Critical Perspectives on Health Policy and Indigenous Self-Determination

Dr Sara Farnbach

Madeleine Powell

Transforming the health system response to parents with drug and alcohol misuse and mental health problems to prevent child maltreatment: a population data linkage study.

Dr Kathleen Falster

Olivia Price 

Preventing infectious disease and associated harms among people who inject drugs

Scientia Professor Louisa Degenhardt

Craig Rogers

The implementation of time-limited parenteral hydromorphone in people with treatment-resistant injecting opioid use disorder: feasibility, safety and cost.

Dr Krista Siefried

Shivanjali Singh

Cannabis and its Acceptance by Patients and Health Professionals (CAPH)

Professor Michael Farrell

Emily Symes

Exploration of alcohol and other drug (AOD) use and mental health among people of trans experience in Australia

Dr Ryan Courtney

Lucy Tran

How does methamphetamine use, mental health and treatment interventions affect one another?

Scientia Professor Louisa Degenhardt

Paige Webb

The impact of methamphetamine use on the families of users

Associate Professor Rebecca McKetin

Amelia Woods

A retrospective analysis of treatment provision and needs for incarcerated patients with Alcohol Use Disorders in NSW

Professor Anthony Shakeshaft