

Translating the evidence on dementia risk reduction to generate assessments, advice and training for health professionals, policy makers, patients and public - NHMRC Boosting Dementia


Leveraging Evidence into Action for Dementia! (LEAD!) is a project funded by a NHMRC Boosting Dementia Research Grant. Led by Professor Kaarin Anstey at Neurosciences Research Australia, it involves an international collaboration between leading academics, clinicians, consumers, and community members. Organisations involved include the Department of Health, WHO, Dementia Australia, Alzheimer’s Disease International, Diabetes Australia, and Heart Foundation.

The project aims to translate dementia research and implement evidence-based strategies for dementia risk reduction to individuals, communities, and healthcare centres. It seeks to develop a new risk tool for predicting dementia and other non-communicable diseases including stroke, diabetes, and myocardial infarction. Researchers at the Centre for Big Data Research in Health, Professor Louisa Jorm and Dr Heidi Welberry, are supporting the Evaluation and Adoption stream by (i) developing tools to assess national risk factor profile trajectories and (ii) investigating the feasibility of incorporating existing administrative and/or clinical data directly into the risk tools.


Centre for Big Data Research in Health

Research Area

Ageing and end-of-life

Our research programs: Ageing and end-of-life

Around 15% (4 million) Australians are aged 65 and over and this percentage is projected to more than double by 2057.

Our capabilities: Epidemiology and biostatistics

We design epidemiologically rigorous studies using linked administrative data and we secure the proper ethical approvals to link datasets.

Our research home

The Centre for Big Data Research in Health (CBDRH) actively fosters a broad community of researchers who are adept in advanced analytic methods, agile in adopting new techniques and who embody best practices in data security and privacy protection.