
Kaldor Centre Senior Research Fellow Madeline Gleeson has taken up the role of co-Editor of Book Reviews at the International Journal of Refugee Law (IJRL), calling for nominations of both books and reviewers. 

The IJRL is the leading peer-reviewed journal on all aspects of international law relating to forced migration. It is an essential tool for academics, policymakers and practitioners concerned with the protection of refugees and other forced migrants. 

Gleeson has served on the Editorial Board since 2021, and her term was renewed this year. Professor Jane McAdam AO, Director of the Kaldor Centre’s Evacuations Research Hub, will step down as the journal’s co-editor-in-chief at the end of 2024.

Gleeson and co-editor of Book Reviews, Bríd Ní Ghráinne, are eager to hear from potential reviewers as well as suggestions of books that might be reviewed by others.

The IJRL welcomes reviews that engage with, critique and offer insightful perspectives on books relating to international law and forced migration. The editors are especially keen to hear about books that provide diverse perspectives, adopt new approaches, and/or relate to groups, views, and geographic regions that have traditionally been under-represented in academic publishing. They are also eager to hear from potential reviewers who can provide diverse perspectives, and particularly welcome reviews and books authored by people with lived experience of displacement.

If you have a book to propose, or would like to be added to the list of potential reviewers, please register your interest now: .

Visit the  website for more news and resources.