
Bokyung Lee

Research Student
PhD Student
School of Information Systems & Technology Management


  • Master degree at Gachon University, (Master of Science, 2018)
  • Bachelor degree at Handong Global University, (BA in Computer Science and Art, 2014)

Professional experience

  • Worked as an international conference / event manager (2014-2016); managed various technology and IT related events 
  • Worked as an assistant manager in YOZMA Group Korea – accelerator team (2018.12-2019.02) 


  • Proceedings in ICIS (2017); ‘Towards a theory of Technical Debt Ownership: An exploratory field study’ Ghanbari, H., Ahuja, S., and Lee, BK. 
  • Proceedings in CSWIM (2017); A Time Series Analysis on the Effects of Deregulation on Online Games: A Case of Social Casino in Korea’ Lee, BK., Jeon, S., Jang, M., Yoo, B.

Research interest

  • Complementarities; modularity and complementary actions in an ecosystem.
  • How would new change (complementors growing to dominate the ecosystem etc.) affect the whole ecosystem and in return, how would each firm (focal or complement) respond to such change? 
  • Especially interested in using the game (online, console, mobile etc.) and other digital content as a context

Room 1022 Quadrangle Building - Ref E15