
Programs, plans, courses

  • As the School of Mathematics and Statistics is not the program authority for any undergraduate program, we can only advise on the Mathematics and Statistics majors within your program. For complete advice, talk to the , School of Business Student Centre or Engineering Student Centre as appropriate.

  • Speak to the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the first instance. You will need to go through the Science Student Centre to transfer

  • Read the course descriptions and see which ones appeal. Details are in the Courses section of this website, or can be found in the  or through . Some courses may be compulsory for your program, so familiarise yourself with the details of your program as well. For advice on which courses to take, talk to the coordinator of your program, Director of First YearÌý´Ç°ùÌýDirector of Undergraduate Studies.

Enrolment & Timetables

  •  If you have enrolled in a Mathematics or Statistics course and it is clashing with a course in another School, contact that School. If you have enrolled in a course in another School and want to enrol in a Mathematics or Statistics course that clashes with it, fill in the web clash form to submit your application..

  • It is best to see us in person, but it may able to be dealt with via email ug.mathsstats@unsw.edu.au. You can come to the Student Services Office, Room RC-3072/3088.

  • The timetable will be provided to you through myUNSW as you enrol, or using a "class search" within myUNSW. The School of Mathematics and Statistics displays only some of its course timetables on the web.


  • Course packs are sold through the UNSW bookshop. For some courses, the material is available through UNSW Moodle instead and you will have to download and print it yourself.
    Any material in a course pack that is critical will also be provided through UNSW Moodle.

  • All full-time Mathematics and Statistics staff have consulting hours when they are available to help you if you have problems with the course material. Staff be will happy to help you if they are lecturing or tutoring the course in which the problems lie. For First Year courses, lists of consulting times of relevant staff will be available from about Week 3. There is also a Mathematics Drop-in Centre (run by senior students) which provides tutoring for struggling first year students. For higher year courses, contact your tutor or the lecturer. Part-time and casual staff are usually not available for consulting.

  • Usually from the first day of Orientation Week, occasionally the week before.


  • Log onto  for any of your Mathematics and Statistics courses and click the Maths Info link. It will take you to the School of Mathematics and Statistics Student Web Portal where you can check your marks.

  • The School releases preliminary marks and grades one week before the official University marks are released. You get these the same way you get the term work marks. For your final marks  login to .

  • For semester work marks you should apply directly to your tutor or the course authority and they will tell you the result. If it is for the final exam, the School will email your official UNSW account to give you the result on the same day the preliminary results are posted. See the School of Mathematics and Statistics' additional assessment policy for more information.