The University has a policy for  that allows students who believe there has been an error in the calculation of their final mark to appeal that mark.
There is a 5 working day time limit in applying for a review of marks from the date the marks are released. Requests can be received through the links atÂ
- Students are able to apply for an "administrative check" that all sections of their final exam have been marked, and all marks and assessment task marks have been correctly entered into the calculation of the final mark.Â
- Students may also apply for a "re-assessment" or "re-mark" of a piece of work, only after the paper a request for an administrative check is completed. The re-mark is done by the School of Mathematics and Statistics marking the piece of work again using the same marking scheme as was used originally. Normally this will be done by a person other than the original marker. If the re-marker feels that an error in marking has been made then they will consult with the original marker where relevant as to the correct interpretation of the mark scheme. Any change in mark must finally be approved by the Director of First Year, Director of Undergraduate Studies or the Postgraduate Coordinator.
- A re-mark may result in the allocated mark increasing, staying the same or decreasing.Â
- Students should note that it is rare in a large class for there to be a change in the mark following a re-mark, as the School of Mathematics and Statistics' marking procedures for large classes involve check-marking and are similar to those of the HSC.
The School of Mathematics and Statistics is permitted to refuse a re-mark if it believes that insufficient reasons have been given. Our view is that a student claiming that they thought they "should have done better" is not a sufficient reason to be given a re-mark.
Before applying for a re-mark the student should have consulted with the Course Convenor on their performance in the course.
The School of Mathematics and Statistics keeps a record of each student's applications for re-marks and any student deemed to be misusing this provision will be refused further re-marks.