

Blog | March 20, 2017

Stock image of a path through the forest

It has been very exciting to see the SIMPAQ Validation Study progress over the past months.

Thanks to concerted efforts, we are approaching 600 participants with complete data, collected at 32 sites located in 17 countries. We have a further 12 sites currently awaiting ethics approval or about to commence recruitment.

With a little over three months remaining for data collection, we remain hopeful that we can approach a total sample of 1000 participants!

In addition to the recruitment of participants many teams have also contributed via the translation of the SIMPAQ into their local language. You can now find SIMPAQ in 18 languages, simply click on a country.

The enthusiasm and collaboration of all involved in the study has been inspiring and it is a pleasure to have all members of the SIMPAQ team.

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A 5-item clinical tool designed to assess physical activity among populations at high risk of sedentary behaviour.

Global team

Download SIMPAQ in various languages and meet our global team.